Non-destructive Testing (NDT)
Ultrasonic inspection, Acoustic Emission, Phased Array Ultrasound, Guided Ultrasonic Waves
Many materials contain imperfections such as pores, cracks, inclusion, etc. induced by the production process or the usage leading to reduced properties compared to parts made of perfect materials. Especially the effect on reduced mechanical properties in structures is important. In order to be able, to identify such defects without damaging the structure so called Non Destructive Testing will be applied. Depending on the material, complexity and accessibility of the part a wide number of different NDT methods are available.
AAC offers different ultrasonic based non-destructive testing methods such as scanning ultrasonic inspection and ultrasonic phased array inspection as well as on-line acoustic emission monitoring of structures under load in combination with our equipment for mechanical testing. Special emphasis is laid on the inspection of composite parts, where production induced defects are even more important compared to metals. These NDT methods are combined with advanced online process- and structural health monitoring sensors and methods developed at AAC.