Space, Aviation, Energy, Industry
Our activities in the space, aviation, energy and industry sector are dominated by material development and material or component testing projects. They are directly commissioned by the European Space Agency (ESA) or by projects for European ESA suppliers.
Nationally or European funded projects, for example the development of test methods or test facilities, serve as a basis for expanding our knowledge and expertise for our customers in new segments.

AAC assist you in the development of your mechanism. Starting with jointly analysis of the tribosystem, candidate solutions will be elaborated and proposed.

AAC offers specialised equipment for testing materials and components in space relevant environment.
ESA Testhouse
Additive Manufacturing Technologies
Chemical Analysis
Coefficient of Moisture Expansion (CME)
Cryogenic Mechanical Testing
Environmental Testing
Mechanical Testing
Microstructural Analysis
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
Surface Characterization
Ice Adhesion Testing
Thermal Vacuum Testing
Tribological Tests

Together with partner from industry and research we develop new materials and components in national, European and ESA funded projects.

In nationally or European funded projects, we develop new test methods or test equipment and new materials and components to expand our knowledge and expertise for our customers in new segments.